Evaluation of AHO Innovation Program
AHO Innovation Program
The Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO) Innovation Program is a project focused on the construction of new Aboriginal housing in high demand or disadvantaged areas. The primary goal of the project is the delivery of new Aboriginal housing in innovative and cost effective ways focusing on the end-to-end construction process, design, materials, partnerships, community/tenant engagement and Aboriginal employment opportunities.
The AHO Innovation Program explores and evaluates three new construction methods and compares them to traditional construction methods used by the AHO.
The three new construction methods selected are:
Structural Insulated Panel (SIP) design (Aboriginal Sustainable Homes).
Podular: A newly-created “straight and knuckle” design developed through a partnership between the AHO, the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and Corrective Services Industries (CSI).
Gluelam cross-laminated timber structured modular design (Red Factory/Regional Architects)