Prof John Evans
Principal / Indigenous Academic Lead
Professor John Evans is the inaugural Pro Vice-Chancellor of Indigenous Engagement responsible for leading, guiding and governing the strategic direction of Swinburne University of Technology in relation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander initiatives and strategies. He is originally from Wiradjuri country in New South Wales. His new portfolio includes the Moondani Toombadool Centre, as well as oversight over the Indigenous Teaching and Learning Strategy, the Indigenous Research Strategy and the Indigenous Employment Strategy. Professor Evans has had an exceptional career in research and teaching, with a strong background in industry and community engagement. His prior role was as Professor of Indigenous Health Education in the School of Public Health at UTS. He holds adjunct appointments at the University of Sydney and Massey University, New Zealand.
Dr Campbell Drake
Lead Researcher
Educated in Australia and the UK, Campbell Drake is an architect, researcher and senior lecturer in the School of Architecture at the University of Technology Sydney. Registered as an architect in the states of New South Wales and Victoria, Campbell has over 15 years professional experience. His research is focused on the interaction and entanglements between urban infrastructure and social formation within remote communities. Dr Drake works in partnership with a variety of government and non-government agencies including the Murrin Bridge & Walgett Local Aboriginal Land Councils, The Department of Justice, The National Indigenous Australians Agency, the NSW Aboriginal Housing Office, The Australian Consulate and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Dr Martin Loosemore
Subject Matter Expert
Martin Loosemore is Professor of Construction Management at the University of Technology Sydney, Australia. He is a Visiting Professor at The University of Loughborough, UK and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Building. Martin has been awarded 10 Australian Research Council (ARC) grants and has generated over $11 million of competitive research income in the last 10 years. His research has focused in the areas of risk management, innovation, social value, social procurement and Indigenous procurement policy, social enterprise, gender and cultural diversity and corporate social responsibility. Martin has a h-index of 43 and an i10-index of 107 with 6592 citations. He has published 9 books (Routledge, Blackwell and UNSW Press) and over 280 internationally refereed articles in the areas of innovation, risk management, human resource management, strategy and corporate social responsibility. Martin is the editor of the world’s first book series on social value in the built environment published by Routledge, London. His work has received numerous international awards and he serves on the international advisory committees and editorial boards of many leading internationally refereed journals. Martin has held numerous strategic advisory roles in international private and public sector organisations in Australia, Asia, UK and Middle East. His work has been widely commercialised through a number of spin-out enterprises. Martin is the founding partner of a successful social enterprise which specialises in securing employment opportunities in the construction and engineering industries for disadvantaged people who experience barriers to the labour market – a large proportion of who have Indigenous backgrounds.
Dr Allan Teale
Allan Teale has a Master of Planning and is a registered Valuer Licenced Real Estate Agent. Allan is currently completing his PhD in investigating issues of transparency and governance in transportation infrastructure planning and the communities’ voice in the decision-making process. His work is focussed within remote Indigenous communities and their voice and inclusion as First Nation peoples in the decision-making process of matters that impact their custodial lands. Allan’s great grandmother Mary Lamb was a custodian and an elder of the Wiradjuri people from Parkes, an area in Western NSW. Allan is currently working with the Murrin Bridge Aboriginal community and the Local Land Council, where he supports several community benefit programs. He is also a Past-President and present Board Director of the Rotary Club of Strathfield, where he has held membership for the past 28 years. Allan Teale has spent 35 years in the commercial property sector and is still in consultation with high net worth property owners on property, valuation, and planning matters.
Harriette Poiner
Research Associate
Harriette Poiner is a researcher, casual academic and MA (Research) candidate in the School of Architecture at the University of Technology Sydney. Her research is centred on collaborative design and evaluation approaches for housing in discrete communities, as well as exploring culturally sensitive participatory research methodologies. Harriette has experience working in partnership with a number of remote communities and has worked with a variety of organisations including the Bowraville Local Aboriginal Land Council, Weilwan Local Aboriginal Land Council, Walgett Local Aboriginal Land Council, Wreck Bay Aboriginal Community Council and Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.
Ella Holmgren
Research Associate
Ella Holmgren has a Bachelor of Design in Interior Architecture and a Master of Architecture (Research). She is currently working as a research associate and a sessional academic at the University of Technology Sydney. Ella’s research focuses on the evaluation of culturally responsive design in Aboriginal housing in New South Wales. She has worked on various scale research projects and both residential and commercial design projects. She has experience working with remote Indigenous communities and Local Aboriginal Land Councils across New South Wales and has worked with a variety of organisations, including the NSW Aboriginal Land Council, NSW Aboriginal Housing Office and the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.